News Archive - Sigma Technology /news/ Sigma Technology is a global supplier of product information, software and embedded solutions, information management, and offshore development Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:53:15 +0000 sv-SE hourly 1 Internship at Sigma: Developing Augmented Reality App for Android /sv/news/internship-at-sigma-developing-augmented-reality-app-for-android/ Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:51:28 +0000 Ella Einarsen and Christian Heina are students of IT-Högskolan in Gothenburg. Starting from September they are working on their internship project at Sigma Technology—they are developing an Augmented Reality (AR) application for Android.

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Ella Einarsen and Christian Heina are students of IT-Högskolan in Gothenburg. Starting from September they are working on their internship project at Sigma Technology—they are developing an Augmented Reality (AR) application for Android.

Hi, Ella and Christian. You are about to embark on an exciting journey of discovering new fresh technologies.

Can you tell us about your background and why you chose IT?

Ella: We are studying Android and web applications development at IT-Högskolan (higher vocational school). Now we are almost done with our training that ends with this three-month internship at Sigma Technology.

Christian: I find IT exciting because it doesn’t require many resources to build something new. You can create an application whenever you want using your knowledge and a laptop.

How did you come to the idea of the internship?

The idea for the project came when we had an interview with Johnny Fägersten. He came to our school regarding LIA program (LIA or Lärande i Arbete, Learning while Working, is a program helping students to combine theory with practice, while they are out at the workplace). During our interview, he simply suggested us exploring new AR technology for app development. We didn’t hesitate long! 🙂

What will make the app you develop unique?

The AR app for Android will replace thousands of manuals and put them directly in your phone when you hover its camera over an object. The instructions will show up from DocFactory, enterprise content management system in the cloud, developed by Sigma Technology.

So you will be able to scan whatever you want, right?

Theoretically, yes 🙂 But now we start with a Volvo car model. The 3D scanning technology is very sensitive. It reacts to round shapes, light, sunbeams, background objects. There is a lot to work with now.

What helps you in your work? Do you use some existing solutions?

Christian: We have been testing different things. Now we are using a mathematic library for just recognizing the objects. The library helps with mathematic analysis distinguishing points and contours.

Ella: There is a bunch of external libraries, but part of them are not open or are not tailored for Android or Java that we need to use.

Christian: Moreover, the majority of those libraries use some type of code for recognizing objects and we aim at achieving objects recognition just the way there are, without any codes, but with 3D scanning. And there are no solutions available.

Ella: Yes, we have to learn and understand a lot. We almost need to develop AR technology ourselves.

That sounds like a real challenge! Do you think that this is possible during these three months?

Christian and Ella reply almost at the same time: Yes, sure! We will have a result, though we don’t know yet how it will look like. Something is definitely on the way.

What knowledge helps you?

Christian: Well, it is still programming, so we use our knowledge from app development.

Ella: Yes, on the base level the technologies are very similar—it is a lot of mathematics. Augmented Reality is new for us, so we research a lot! (Ella chuckles) We haven’t googled so much in our lives before.

Christian: Our biggest challenge remains to recognize objects in an efficient way. We work quite a lot ourselves.

How does it feel after a few weeks?

Both Christian and Ella agree that it feels quite well.

Then Ella reflects:

You actually feel the difference between school labs and this project. While, in the high school, we work on short-term projects that cover some particular part of the knowledge or technology, during this project we do all the job. From initial research to end product. It feels fantastic!

Christian continues:

It gets even more exciting when you are working with such new technologies as AR, which is still in the process of development and is very fresh.

We have a big challenge, but we will try our best!

Johnny Fägersten, Unit Manager at Sigma Technology Solutions:

When we developed DocFactory, our motivation was to make information available to users anywhere on any device when they need it.

I believe that Ella and Christian’s project will take it one step further making information search as easy as it has never been before. The user will just need to point the phone camera towards the object and get the essential facts that are needed. No PDFs or manuals anymore.

We are working with Augmented Reality on different projects and for different industries. I’m looking forward to seeing how this project will turn up. 

For more information, please contact Johnny Fägersten

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Sigma Signs New Cooperation Agreement within Traffic Management /sv/news/sigma-signs-new-cooperation-agreement-within-traffic-management/ Fri, 16 Sep 2016 11:47:08 +0000 Sigma Technology MID AB and Sensys Gatso Group AB have signed a new cooperation agreement regarding competence resources, competence development and project within software design and embedded systems. The agreement covers Sensys Gatso Group’s development sites in Sweden and Holland.

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Sigma Technology MID AB and Sensys Gatso Group AB have signed a new cooperation agreement regarding competence resources, competence development and project within software design and embedded systems. The agreement covers Sensys Gatso Group’s development sites in Sweden and Holland.

Bram Mulders, Head of Global Development, Sensys Gatso Group AB:

“The agreement with Sigma gives us access to broader competence and increased flexibility, which enables us to deal more efficiently with fluctuations in our resource requirements, while at the same time we can work with Sigma to maintain and develop the competence we need for the future.”

Mikael Karlsson, CEO at Sigma Technology MID AB:

“We are very proud and happy that Sensys Gatso Group has selected Sigma as their cooperation partner. The strengths of Sigma’s competences and the services within software design and embedded systems in combination with Sigma’s flexible deliveries makes us a strong cooperation partner to Sensys Gatso Group. We will cooperate with Sensys Gatso Group in both Jönköping and in Haarlem, Holland. The cooperation agreement also concerns Sigma’s subsidiary companies located outside Sweden. The cooperation is not only focused towards competence deliveries but also competence development and project which makes this a very exciting opportunity for the future.”

Risto Kesti, Deputy CEO at Sigma Technology MID AB:

“It is very exciting for us at Sigma to cooperate with Sensys Gatso Group. Our business will have a high focus on Sensys Gatso Group, which means that we will need to continue to hire engineers within software design and embedded systems. Sigma Technology MID AB has a high competence within software design and embedded systems and we will together with Sensys Gatso Group build a specific competence around Sensys Gatso Group’s products so that we can give the best possible support.”

For more information, please, contact:

Mikael Karlsson, CEO at Sigma Technology MID AB

+46 703 997 900

Risto Kesti, Deputy CEO at Sigma Technology MID AB

+46 727 441 300

Sigma Technology is part of Sigma, and is a global supplier of product information, embedded solutions, information systems, and offshore development. We are experts with a passion for technology and information, and take pride in delivering quality and constantly improving our deliveries. Our philosophy is “Local Drive – Global Strength”, and that is why we have offices in many different cities in the world to be close to our customers. Sigma is owned by Danir and has about 3 000 employees in 12 countries. For more information, visit

Sensys Gatso is a global leader in traffic management solutions for nations, cities and fleet owners. Sensys Gatso has subsidiaries in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA, and a branch office in the United Arab Emirates. The Sensys Gatso Group’s shares are listed at NASDAQ Stockholm. The Group has 202 employees and is the result of a merger of Sensys Traffic AB and Gatso Beheer B.V. following Sensys Traffic’s acquisition of Gatso Beheer.

For further information, visit

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”Sigma Amazing Race” på KTH – startskottet på en spännande IT-karriär /sv/news/sigma-amazing-race-pa-kth-startskottet-pa-en-spannande-it-karriar/ Tue, 08 Sep 2015 11:55:00 +0000 Går du på Kungliga Maskinsektionen på KTH bör du lägga Sigma på minnet redan idag. Dels för att bli vinnare i ”Sigma Amazing Race” den 10 september i Stockholm, men också för att få koll på en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare inom IT. Sigma tror på framtiden, i synnerhet när vi talar om dagens studenter […]

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Går du på Kungliga Maskinsektionen på KTH bör du lägga Sigma på minnet redan idag. Dels för att bli vinnare i ”Sigma Amazing Race” den 10 september i Stockholm, men också för att få koll på en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare inom IT.

Sigma tror på framtiden, i synnerhet när vi talar om dagens studenter som kommer vara med och forma en bättre morgondag. Därför fördjupar Sigma sin relation med KTH och flera andra universitet och högskolor. Syftet är att öka integrationen mellan studentliv och arbetsliv och bygga relationer med studenter som söker en arbetsgivare som Sigma.

Från nolla på KTH till etta på arbetsmarknaden

Idag finns Sigma med vid arbetsmarknadsmässor, de arrangerar event som ”Hackers night”, är med vid ex-arbeten och engagerar sig i frågor för ökad jämställdhet i IT-branschen. Nytt för i år är att Sigma sponsrar ett nytt event för årets nollning på KTH – ”Sigma amazing race”.

Eva Björkegren på Sigma Technology i Stockholm är huvudprojektledare för eventet samt engagerad i flera andra samarbeten med universiteten i Stockholm:

– Att skapa relationer redan under studietiden utvecklar och inspirerar både studenterna och oss på Sigma. Att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare idag och i framtiden är centralt för att vi ska fortsätta kunna stå för världsledande teknikutveckling. Vi hoppas detta nya event ska bli riktigt kul men självklart ser vi satsningen som en chans till att skapa en tidig kontakt, berättar Eva. – Vem vet hur många av dessa skarpa studenter som kommer bli mina nya medarbetare om några år, avslutar Eva.




Om ”Sigma Amazing Race”

Under eventet den 10 september kommer ca 400 studenter delta i en tävling där äldre och nya studenter utföruppdrag tillsammans i centrala Stockholm. Starten sker i Lilljansskogen och avslutas vid Sigmas kontor på Valhallavägen med mingel och prisutdelning.

Vill du veta mer? Kontakta:

Mobile: +4672-2215125

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